Monday, August 20, 2012

Animal friends

Garter snake

Pipevine swallowtail caterpillar
Eastern box turtle

Little glimpses of our summer so far. Lots of animal encounters, playing in the creek, short hikes and explorations. We raised and released Pipevine swallowtail butterflies, nurtured rescued mice and read voraciously. The crisp fall air is making an early entrance, so we make the most of these remaining summer days. I've been preparing for fall with a little herbal medicine-making. Soon will be time to harvest roots. Next time, I'll post our list of summer reads.

May all feel welcomed in this space.



  1. Oh, how fun, Jenny! I hope this little corner brings you much happiness and creative inspiration. I look forward to more...
    xo Jules

  2. Oh, how wonderful, I look forward to visiting!
    What wonderful animal friends you live among!
    <3 Melanie

    1. Yes, Melanie, we do have quite a range of animal friends. I'll have to tell you all about our visit from the little bear! Thanks for dropping by.

  3. This is so lovely! So happy to have found you:) XO Chrissy

  4. I look forward to hearing about all your adventures Jenny :)

  5. Herbal medicine tell!
    Any books you can recommend on the subject?
    Sounds like you've had an amazing summer.
    : )
    xo, j

    1. Oh, darn. My first reply didn't send directly to you. See below :)

  6. J, if you click on the words herbal medicine-making in my post, it will take you to a link to some of the recipes I use. The Pine Bee Balm Cough Syrup is divine. Oh, I could recommend many books on the subject! My favorites are Herbal Rituals by Judith Berger and any by Rosemary Gladstar or Susun Weed. The blog Dandelionless Herbals has great recipes, too. I'll send you the links to it and to Susun Weed's e-zine where I got most of my info.
    Bright blessings, Jenny.
