Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Farmer's Life (in June)

Beginnings of our sunflower house
 We have been enjoying the first "fruits of our labor" from the farm this season. So far, we have beaten the birds to the blueberries. And the first black raspberries have appeared. The Hopi Pale Grey heirloom squash I planted has germinated. Every one of them! I can't wait to taste them :)

First black raspberries

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Every Path

This song always makes me smile, reminding me of my favorite Bible verse (at the right). Every path leads us back to this place, the place we are rooted to. We do so love these ancient mountains.

Pursue some path, however narrow or crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.
Henry David Thoreau

XO, Jenny

Monday, June 10, 2013

Bird Chatter

We enjoyed a great day soaking in the sun and enjoying the chattering of all the birds, including the fellow above. We also :
* Watched the muskrat that lives in our pond take reeds to it's den.
* Were scolded by the resident red-winged blackbird.
* Saw water snake pop up for a bit and then swim away.
* Beat the birds to the serviceberries.
* Enjoyed some reading time. (I'm reading Full Moon Feast right now)

Enjoy your week! XO

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Life

 There has been so much going on here as of late. These little robins are fledging in our wild rose bush.
The rose bush the robins are nesting in. Notice the bird house on the left that  is vacant!
White iris
 Many of our flowers are in bloom, and more bloom every day. I look forward to the bee balm every year, which the hummingbirds love. My comfrey is huge! So are the Jerusalem artichokes. The weather now is also so much nicer; we've been getting breaks in the rain. The rain has made everything so vibrant and green.
J looking for salamanders

C planting seeds for our sunflower house
Soaking in the sun

Hanging our bat house we made
 I didn't go into detail in my last post about my warrior child, but J was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. It means his pancreas shut down because of some unknown autoimmune trigger and it stopped producing insulin. He will have to be on insulin the rest of his life, or until a cure is found. He is doing  really well with checking his blood sugar and taking his insulin, and we are really proud of him for taking his diagnosis with such awareness and calm.

blueberry forest
Apples aplenty
Mike's peaches
We hope you all are doing well and enjoying the blessings of the season. We are getting outside more and had a great thrifting day with family this week. We are grateful for all the new life and are looking forward to harvesting the bounty. We are also looking forward to our summer vacation. The boys are counting down the days! As can be expected, the packing will be more involved this year, which I'm not looking forward to! XO

Country Woman

via Prism of Threads