Monday, April 15, 2013

Week in Review (belated)

Good friends, good times

 Wednesday at homeschool co-op, we played the game Kubb. Mike made a set for our class, which was a big hit! It's similar to chess, in that you have strategic moves.
Mike making his throw move.

J's turn

 And these littles arrived on Saturday. We, together with friends, put in an order for heritage turkeys. We chose 5 Midget White turkeys. They are in their nice warm brooder we have used for raising poultry (and more) We've used it successfully for years now. Mike made it out of a recycled changing table we found at the dump. C has been on sentry duty ever since. He makes sure they are okay and happy.
C on duty

I also wanted to share a giveaway friends are having at the Wild Armadillos  (from Armadillo Dreams). Taryn and her family at Wooly Moss Roots make amazing buttons and herbal goodies. Check it out!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

{this moment}

Joining in with Soulemama for a Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sowing the Seed

Sowing the seed,
my hand is one with the earth.

Wanting the seed to grow,
my mind is one with the light.

Hoeing the crop,
my hands are one with the rain.

Having cared for the plants,
my mind is one with the air.

Hungry and trusting,
my mind is one with the earth.

Eating the fruit,
my body is one with the earth.
~Wendell Berry (via Milagro Roots)

I haven't been consistent with blogging, but I'm working on it. I will share more of our days to give more life to this space. May it be a place of growth and mindfulness.